Eazy Shop

New approach to e-commerce

Market research
Competitive analysis
User survey
Flow diagram
High-fidelity UI
Design system
Mini usability study
Accessibility evaluation




Portfolio project


Designer, researcher


e-commerce, shoe app


Why I made this project

Driven by a passion for simplifying user experiences and leveraging technology to enhance user interactions, I embarked on this project to revolutionize online product purchases.


Market research

The claim

The global e-commerce footwear market was valued at USD 98.5 billion in 2021 and is projected to reach USD 157.40 billion by 2030, expanding at a CAGR of 6.8% over the forecast period (2023-2030).

The problem

Numerous fashion-forward individuals grapple with the quest for convenient and personalized online shopping experiences in the footwear realm, often encountering obstacles in locating the perfect fit, style, and receiving well-targeted product recommendations, while prioritizing convenience and quality amidst their hectic lifestyles.

User interviews

I carried out a comprehensive survey to understand and prioritize user preferences regarding key functionalities in the footwear e-commerce sector. This data-driven approach ensures that the design and features of the platform align with the needs and expectations of the users, thereby enhancing their shopping experience.

What features do you consider essential in an e-commerce footwear app?
(You can select only 3)

28  participants


I've meticulously crafted two user personas that encapsulate the diverse needs of online shoppers: Sarah, a fashion-conscious individual seeking effortlessly curated shoe options, and Michael, an efficiency-driven customer prioritizing a streamlined and uncomplicated shopping experience.

Time to start designing!

After thoroughly analyzing my research data, I proceeded to outline the initial user flows and create low-fidelity wireframes.


Main flow to order shoes

To clearly map out the core functionalities, I crafted a straightforward flow diagram, depicting the user's journey from the initial login/splash screen to the checkout process, encompassing key tasks like product browsing, detailed product examination, and effortless purchasing.

Low-fidelity wireframes

Upon completing the flow diagram, I delved into the creation of low-fidelity wireframes, translating the user flow into basic visual representations that captured the essence of the interface's layout and functionality.

High-fidelity UI design

My design decisions were guided by the pursuit of an enhanced user experience, leading me to prioritize clear and legible font while embracing the vibrant hue of orange as the primary color scheme. This bold color choice goes beyond mere aesthetics, as it evokes a sense of warmth, energy, joy.

Moreover, its ability to capture attention makes it an ideal choice for accentuating Call-to-Action (CTA) elements, guiding users seamlessly towards desired actions.


Color palette


High-fidelity prototype

After the initial stages of UI visualizations and wireframing, the development process takes a significant leap forward with the creation of high-fidelity prototypes. These prototypes represent the most detailed and realistic representation of the final product, incorporating all visual elements, interactive features, and user interactions.

This prototype provides a more immersive and realistic experience for stakeholders and users, allowing them to visualize and interact with the product in a way that was previously impossible with wireframes.

Figma prototype
Figma prototype

21 high-fidelity designs were created

A collection of 21 high-fidelity designs was meticulously crafted, meticulously capturing the essence of the final product in intricate detail. These polished mockups provide a comprehensive view of the user interface, enabling thorough evaluation and refinement before embarking on the development phase.

Design decision

The idea behind this division is that for most users, the description is often the least influential factor in their decision-making process. Users typically focus more on the appearance and price when choosing a product. By introducing a clear separation, we can emphasize this division and logically group the information.

This approach ensures that the most impactful details are highlighted, thereby enhancing the user experience and conversion.

Alignment and grid

For this project, I utilized an 8-point grid system, a flexible framework that instills consistency and balance throughout the design. The spacing within groups was set at 8 and 16 points, creating a harmonious and visually appealing layout.

To clearly distinguish between different sections, I implemented a larger 24-point margin. This distinct separation promotes logical content organization and enhances overall readability and user experience.

Next steps

Looking ahead, the next steps entail user testing and usability studies to gather valuable feedback and refine the application's functionality. I envision integrating AI-powered features that allow users to virtually try on shoes, elevating their shopping experience and facilitating a more personalized approach to footwear selection.

Project summary

Crafting this product has been an immensely gratifying experience. Observing its transformation with each iteration has ignited my ardent enthusiasm for innovation. The realm holds immense promise for growth and exploration, and as the product garners recognition and traction among users, its burgeoning market demand becomes increasingly evident, signaling a fruitful venture worth pursuing.

Figma prototype
Figma prototype
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